About Us

The Plan

We believe that education is key to reducing poverty and providing children with a better life.

Chaloner Children’s Charity Canada is a small organization committed to providing education to some of the poorest and most disadvantaged children in the world who would otherwise have no opportunity to improve their lives.

Our Goal

To provide and support sustainable programs for children in marginalized communities struggling to attain basic levels of education. This is key in helping to reduce the inequality gap and global poverty.

The Issue

Education is a fundamental human right that every child deserves. Unfortunately many of the poorer developing countries cannot afford to provide this basic need to everyone despite the immense economic, social, and health benefits that come from an educated population. Learn More…

Our Story

Chaloner Children’s Charity Canada committed to its first two projects following pilot projects undertaken by Chaloner Children’s Charity (UK). CCC (UK) has undertaken projects in Sierra Leone, Uganda, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Rwanda. After much deliberation, our organization decided that currently it could have the most scalable impact in Sierra Leone and Uganda.


Our Approach

We deliver education through carefully selected initiatives in some of the world’s poorest countries and in areas wrought with conflict or crisis. To ensure maximum impact we work with non-government organizations (NGOs) and local communities. We focus our efforts on early-learning centres, primary and secondary schools in rural areas of Africa, Asia and areas affected by emergencies.

Our objective is to build a foundation for sustainable learning. We do this by offering low-cost education and supporting start-up expenses. Once a community has a safe structure to teach in and a qualified teacher, sustainability becomes the priority and we work with host governments and other support agencies to develop a plan that will fund the running costs and teaching salaries for the school.

Support Our Vision

Every child should have the chance to learn. We strive to make a lasting impact in children’s lives, providing them with the skills they need to succeed in a better world.