Sponsor a Child’s Education

Let us remember: “One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai

Chaloner Children’s Charity offers opportunities for people to sponsor projects, such as building a school, supporting teacher training, supplying classroom furnishings and providing learning materials.

Create your own Fundraiser

See something you would like to sponsor? You can start your own fundraising campaign to support thousands of children receive an education. You don’t have to do it alone either, recruit a teammate or two to help with your fundraising. Together you can make a difference.
If you need some fundraising ideas you can contact us or read this article, “15 Fundraising Ideas”

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Build and Name a School
  • School Construction (new, rebuild and renovation)
  • Teacher Training for 3 years
  • Classroom Furnishings
  • Provide Teaching Materials

Typical Costs

Sierra Leone Uganda Nepal
New Construction C$8,000 Classroom Construction C$16,000 School Construction C$6,500
Rebuild Construction C$4,000 Class Furnishings C$1,375 Sanitation Construction C$1,500
A renovation C$2,500 Teaching materials per classroom C$275 Class Furnishings C$500
Class Furnishings C$600     Learning and Teaching Materials C$1,000
Teaching materials C$400        
Teacher training C$2,500        
Cost Per School for 100 Students

Visit our pages on Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Nepal to learn about the pricing for each sponsorship opportunity. To sponsor a project, please contact us directly or leave a message with your donation.